To naturally create a smaller than average beagle takes years of patience and searching for the right beagles to pair. We do not “back-breed” “line-breed” or “cross-breed” our dogs to create a specific size, color pattern or disposition. We believe that the key to our success, and that of our animals, is their genetic diversity. That genetic diversity is how we can offer our 2 year unconditional buy-back guarantee to all of our adoptive families in writing, in our adoption contract. This is a two-year unconditional life guarantee on their puppy. That guarantee means that we will buy your puppy back at full adoption price two years from the date of adoption, no questions asked, for any reason whatsoever. The puppy you receive from us will give you and your family years of love, good health and prosperity without having to spend thousands of dollars over the life of your dog fighting congenital defects. With our genetic diversity, you adopt with confidence, but we take it a step further. Every single puppy that is adopted out of our ranch has already been seen and examined by a licensed veterinarian. This physical exam is a documented medical record generated for your puppy as their starting point. This complete record is furnished to you at adoption. This gives families the confidence of knowing that they are adopting a healthy dog with no genetic issues. We have gone as far West as California for a male and to North Carolina for a female to foster our genetic diversity. Our beagle pairings are, first and foremost, our family members.
We initially obtained two smaller females out of state in 2013 simply because we could not find a breeder we felt comfortable with. As our females grew people would ask us everywhere we went, “Where did you get those beautiful beagles?” We believe that divine intervention occurred when Floki was placed in our path in 2015. It all started right then and there. The demand for our puppies has grown exponentially over the past four years. In order to ensure our genetic diversity and continue to facilitate this incredible adventure, we now have 19 active breeding dogs. Our females are only allowed to conceive approximately every year and a half. This policy allows our girls to “skip” a heat cycle and take a break. Breeding back-to-back heat cycles, even with supplementation, can result in calcium depletion, prolapses and worse. Osteo-Form is a vitamin and mineral supplement that we give to all of our females during pregnancy and lactation. This is very important for our females and, of course, to their puppies. All of our breeding dogs are under 14 inches at the shoulder, the smallest at 9 inches. We have kept offspring from some of the litters and continue to add non-related smaller pocket-sized beagles to our family when we find the right mature dog with the characteristics we think will make a beautiful, healthy pocket beagle. Currently our dogs have a variety of lineages, spanning both Field and Show Champion beagles, both UKC and AKC registered, and not registered at all.
We have decided to mate our beagles in pairings that promote a smaller stature beagle naturally. We have refused to exclusively mate the “runts” of the litters. This practice, inherently, is unhealthy and may degrade the dog’s natural abilities and / or desired genetic traits. The myth surrounding both runts of the litter and pocket beagles themselves can be de-bunked herein. Runts simply are the smallest in the litter because they, for whatever reason, did not get the total amount of nutrition that the other puppies in that given litter received during gestation. It does not mean that they will not grow as big as their siblings, or be unhealthy in any way. The genetics do not change simply because the puppy is the smallest in the litter. Pocket Beagles or “Queen Anne” beagles are terms used interchangeably with the implied historical assumption that in order to get a smaller beagle, the Sire or Dam must have been bred with another breed and / or back-bred or line-bred to achieve this smaller stature. Present day, with so many diversities within the beagle community, back-breeding, cross-breeding or line-breeding, we feel, is not only unnecessary, but inherently unhealthy. We refused to influx our beagles with other breeds of smaller dogs to intentionally produce a smaller type of dog that is not, in truth, 100% beagle. Definitions of just what a Pocket Beagle is by size vary by opinion because of the lack of recognition from the AKC or the UKC. The AKC and UKC both only recognize two registered sizes of beagle, “medium” and “large.” Typically, any beagle below 13 1/4” at the shoulder, and below 25 lbs at 12 months of age are not recognized by either kennel club. Our average puppy size at adulthood, (maturity for a canine is 12 months of age), is between 22-26 lbs. We do have smaller beagles down to 18 lbs and larger up to 29 lbs. The puppies vary in size by the sires and dams that we have and their physical sizes. For this reason, and the average weights achieved by previous pairings, we know which puppies will be on the larger side and the smaller side of our ideal range. Because we are deliberately attempting to produce and share smaller Pocket Beagles, our beagles will not be AKC or UKC registered. It is extremely important to us that our linages are produced in a naturally healthy manner, in which the welfare of the dogs, and indeed, the puppies we nurture, always come first.
Because our females are only bred every 1 to 2 years to give them a year to recover from the birthing process, this means that there are, unfortunately, a limited number of litters that a female can have here on our ranch in their lifetime. Our females that no longer conceive are listed as “retired” next to their photograph. We encourage adoptive families to refrain from spaying or neutering their puppies before they are one year old. This does two things. First, it allows the animal to mature naturally to adulthood, with the hormones it was born with, which promotes healthy, long-living, wonderful dogs. Secondly, it allows the family the choice to potentially breed their own beagle to sustain the characteristics, love and companionship that their Pocket Beagle is sure to provide!